We (Muntjac Collective) are a group of Asian & Black working class [1] and lumpen [2] anarchists [3] in diaspora across the “UK”, we came together after defending ourselves during the fascist pogroms in the summer of 2024, we recognized the shortcomings of the anarchist & global majority [4] abolitionist mediascape(s) and decided to make a publication, publishing house, print shop, blog and network by and for people like us.
We, as individuals, are involved in many branches of the anarchist & abolitionist movement(s) and recognize a need to confront the sexism, racism, political “color blindness” [5], zionism, class reductionism [6], transphobia and pacifism [7] in the anarchist movement and the sexism, authoritarianism, assimilationist politics, nationalism and conservatism in the Asian & Black diaspora “radical” political sphere. Furthermore (as many people have asked this) many of us are disabled and the majority of us are Queer.[8]
As far as we can tell, we are the UK’s only public Global Majority explicitly anarchist organisation, one of two in all of western europe along with POC Bats in the Netherlands being the other one. It’s rough out here. However, we don’t want to give anyone the impression that we’re “the” voice of anti-authoritarian, anti-assimilationist racialized people in this country, there are many, we just want to amplify them!
The Website
On the right hand side of every page of this website is our sidebar with a quote from ancestor Lucy Parsons, our logo, email address, social media, ko-fi link, mailing address, searchbar, linktree, counter-info pages, anti-repression pages, anti-raids, copwatch, and prisoner solidarity projects.
Recent Posts: Articles in a big feed you can slowly crawl through.
Articles: Articles in a list you can quickly go through.
Magazine: Each issue of the magazine, in all its printable formats.
Submissions: Parameters for submitting articles to the magazine, with specific instructions which vary from issue to issue.
Zines: All of our zines, downloadable and printable.
FAQ: Questions we get a lot of, if your one hasn’t been answered, send us an email.
Stockists: Everyone who stocks the magazine so far, please contact us if you want to join the ranks of these wonderful people.
Fellow Travelers: Other projects we enjoy.
Sudanese Anarchism Archive: Materials on the Sudanese revolution and Sudanese Anarchism.
Merch: Posters, Stickers etc.
PGP: Our Pretty Good Privacy key, please use this with caution and only if you really need to.
In The Wild: Photos of muntjac at various events.
About Muntjac: The page you’re on right now.
P.S. If the website looks a bit awkward and you want it more simplified, press F9 on a computer and you’ll enter the reader view.
Notes / Jargon Buster
[1] Working Class, people in a capitalist society who have to sell their labor for wages from their employer to make ends meet.
[2] Lumpen, a marxist-derived term that we use to refer to the underemployed, sex workers, housing insecure, homeless and other “criminal” people who wouldn’t normally be considered working class by your average trade unionist.
[3] Anarchism is a (anti)political and social movement, lens of analysis and way of life based on the principles of Direct Action, Solidarity, Accountability and Mutual Aid. We share a hatred for this world, its defenders and its false critics. As such we do not support capitalism*, any state**, nor its police, including the peace police. Anarchists (at least, the ones worth speaking to) reject all authority and try to organise their lives in a way that prevents the creation of hierarchical, domineering relationships between people.
[4] Global Majority here refers to the people(s) who make up the majority of the world’s population, i.e. everyone but white people. We use this term as the term POC is too mechanical plus it’s not actually used in this country.
[5] While we recognize that race is a social construct based on colonial nonsense, people are affected by racial dynamics in real life and thus we struggle to support people against state and extra-state racism, with the history of British Unions being outwardly racist, anyone with an even remote interest in antiracism would recognize this, but they don’t…
[6] Many “anarchists” claim that there is no real political ground to fight on besides class struggle which is tripe if you’ve ever had as much racism as we’ve all had from white leftists and anarchists.
[7] Pacifism is a counterinsurgent tactic, constantly forced down the throat of racialized people as the part of the whitewashing of our radical histories, the worst part is that in Britain this logic has penetrated so far that many “anarchists” actually think you’re a cop if you do something “violent” in a protest context.
Further reading:
[8] Queer, a reclaimed slur for LGBTQIA+ people who reject allocishetropatriachal ideals and norms.
*Capitalism, an economic system in which people are exploited in exchange for access to commodities bought and sold through the doctrines of the market, private property or state ownership. Property being owned by the state is fundamentally the same as property being owned by the ruling class privately as the state then becomes the new ruling class. The logic of Capitalism also seeks to commodity everything, even beyond commodities such as; relationships between people, knowledge and access to
** The State, an organisation with a monopoly on the ‘legitimate’ use of violence over a given territory. In Britain, the state is the Police, Security Apparatus and the Armed Forces.